Clancey Chiropractic, PC Blog
Take Advantage of Massage Therapy in Longmont, CO to Improve Your Quality of Life
Take Advantage of Massage Therapy in Longmont, CO to Improve Your Quality of Life It’s a fact that getting a good massage relaxes the body. But massage therapy goes much deeper than that. From promoting healthy tissue regeneration and improving blood circulation to relieving pain, there is a host of ways that massage therapy in…
How to Feel Great Long After You’ve Left a Chiropractic Clinic in Longmont, CO
How to Feel Great Long After You’ve Left a Chiropractic Clinic in Longmont, CO If you’ve ever visited a chiropractic clinic in Longmont, CO before, you know what a great feeling it is walking back into the world. You feel so limber and loose, with pain being alleviated and your spirits lifted-it’s a remarkable feeling…
What’s the Cause of Your Lower Back Pain?
What’s the Cause of Your Lower Back Pain? One of the most prominent chronic health issues in today’s modern world is lower back pain. Lower back pain in Longmont can come in various intensities and be caused by a number of variables, but at the end of the day, it remains a major concern for…
How Can Nutrition Complement Lower Back Pain Treatment in Longmont, CO?
How Can Nutrition Complement Lower Back Pain Treatment in Longmont, CO? We recently wrote about the impact of Vitamin K2 on such health issues as lower back pain. But did you know that the role of nutrition in relieving (or worsening) your back pain extends well beyond Vitamin K2? This is why Clancey Chiropractic, PC…
Is Spinal Decompression Therapy Right for You? Advice from a Chiropractic Clinic in Longmont, CO
Is Spinal Decompression Therapy Right for You? Advice from a Chiropractic Clinic in Longmont, CO If you have ever suffered from intense back pain, then you know that when you are in the middle of it, you would be willing to try virtually anything to relieve the pain. While there are certainly some treatments out…
Why are Chiropractors in Longmont, CO Recommending Vitamin K2?
Why are Chiropractors in Longmont, CO Recommending Vitamin K2? You may have never heard of it, but chiropractors in Longmont, CO, and throughout the United States have recently started recommending Vitamin K2. A newly discovered essential vitamin, Vitamin K2 can greatly reduce your chances of two diseases that affect millions of individuals throughout the world:…