Chiropractic Services in Longmont, CO

Chiropractor Longmont CO Douglas Clancey Back Pain Relief

There are numerous times in a person's life when the situation can call for a visit to the chiropractor in Longmont and understanding how much your quality of life can be impacted by not taking the initiative is imperative. From the whiplash you suffered in a recent automobile accident, to the sports injury that's keeping you out of the game, to the tweak in your back that irritates you on a daily basis, a chiropractor can help!

Chiropractic Clinic in Longmont, CO

At Clancey Chiropractic, PC we offer a wide range of chiropractor services in Longmont, CO, each dedicated to getting your body back to feeling its best, without the plague of chronic or acute pain to bring your quality of life down. Take a look at some of the things that bring people into our chiropractic clinic in Longmont, CO, and how we help them leave feeling better than ever.

Chiropractor Longmont CO Douglas Clancey Headache Relief


Headaches can take many different forms and cause different levels of pain, all as the result of any number of imbalances in your body's equilibrium.

Some common causes include pinched nerves, muscle spasms, altered spinal biomechanics, poor posture, poor sleeping habits, emotional stress, and chemical imbalances as the result of lifestyle-all of which can be corrected if the right steps are taken.

We'll help diagnose the cause of your headaches through physical examinations, as well as X-rays or MRIs if necessary, to put you on the right path to absolving yourself of them once and for all. From rehabilitative exercises to acupuncture to massage and even traction, we'll make your chronic headaches a thing of the past.

Lower back pain

From issues that stem from pinched nerves and arthritis of the spine to disc problems, fractures, sprains, strains, or trauma, lower back pain isn't something you have to live with on a daily basis. At Clancey Chiropractic, PC, we offer a full range of lower back pain treatments in Longmont, CO, to help alleviate your pain not only in the immediate but over the long term as well. We'll comprehensively diagnose your signs and symptoms to get to the root of the problem, then focus on sustainable ways of lessening and finally eliminating that pain.

Disc disorders

When a spinal disc is the cause of concern for you in daily life-slipped, herniated, bulging or otherwise-we're here to help you find a level of comfort that will make your constant pain a thing of the past. We'll help to diagnose where the problem disc may be and through the symptoms it produces-tingling, numbness, etc.-we can recommend gentle chiropractic procedures, physiotherapy steps, acupuncture, traction, or even decompression, as well as rehab exercises, to help you get back to living a fuller life.


Living with sciatica is a daily struggle and one that many people feel helpless about since the signs and symptoms of sciatica are so hard to treat and eliminate. With the proper regimen of gentle chiropractic procedures, physiotherapy steps, acupuncture, traction, and decompression, we'll help you to address your sciatica directly, to eliminate its many woes, including hip pain, thigh pain, leg and knee pain, foot pain, or a combination of all of these issues.

For more information about any of the services we're pleased to offer at our chiropractic clinic in Longmont, CO, or to inquire about any chronic pain you might be experiencing in your day to day life and how a chiropractic approach might be able to help, please give us a call today at (303) 651-2060.


8:00am - 11:00am
2:00pm - 5:30pm

8:00am - 11:30am
2:00pm - 4:00pm

8:00am - 11:00am
2:00pm - 5:30pm


Saturday & Sunday

Clancey Chiropractic, PC

195 South Main Street #1
Longmont, CO 80501

(303) 651-2060