Visiting a Chiropractor in Longmont, CO for the First Time? Here’s what to Expect

Visiting a Chiropractor in Longmont, CO for the First Time? Here's what to Expect

Visiting a Chiropractor in Longmont, CO for the First Time? Here’s what to Expect

Visiting a chiropractor in Longmont, CO for the first time can be a little intimidating. Most likely, you only know a little bit about what chiropractors do, and although you assume it is like visiting a medical doctor, you also understand that chiropractic treatment is quite a bit different. Especially for a first visit, you might not have extensive physical work done. Instead, a chiropractor will assess you and offer advice for you to consider, which may or may not include a recommendation for you to begin chiropractic treatment.

Preparing for your first visit with our Longmont Chiropractor

In order to help you prepare for your first visit to a chiropractor, here is a quick look at what you can expect to be covered during your appointment:

  • Medical history: Any first appointment with a chiropractor in Longmont, CO will begin with an interview concerning your medical history. This involves being asked about any health problems that you are concerned about. Further questioning may include your family history, dietary habits, job requirements and other care you may have received in the past or are receiving at present. Be sure to give your chiropractor plenty of details about any medical concerns you hope they can help with.
  • Physical examination: Like visiting any other doctor, you will need to go through a quick physical examination at the chiropractor's office. If the practitioner feels it is warranted, they may need to send you for an x-ray. This is to further evaluate your bones and joints. It might be necessary to check your blood pressure, listen to your lungs or examine your abdomen in order for the chiropractor to completely evaluate your physical health. Prepare ahead of time by wearing comfortable and easily removable clothes so you can change into a hospital gown for the examination without any problems.
  • Medical report: Following the examination, the chiropractor will explain to you what they found in the examination of your body, what they believe to be causing your problem and their proposed treatment plan to get you better. Quality chiropractors oftentimes will patiently explain what they are talking about using diagrams or models if needed. Make sure you listen carefully to their treatment suggestions and consider getting a second opinion if necessary.
  • Treatment plan: Most likely you are visiting a chiropractor for the first time because you assume their treatment will help alleviate some sort of medical problem you currently have. Depending on their physical examination and findings, you may go ahead with treatment. Discuss beforehand what type of treatment you are receiving and possible side effects. Also talk about follow-up appointments and how long you can expect to need treatment.
  • Advice: The end of your session will most likely involve receiving take-home advice. Most chiropractic treatment is heavily dependent not just on what happens inside of the clinic, but also on how well you follow the chiropractor's advice once you are at home. Some patients find it helpful to bring along a notepad in order to take notes, although some chiropractors will provide written suggestions for you. Make sure you follow the advice in order to get the most out of your treatments.

For quality chiropractic treatment, visit Clancey Chiropractic, PC. We've been helping patients since 1986, and are committed to providing top-level care for everyone who visits us.


8:00am - 11:00am
2:00pm - 5:30pm

8:00am - 11:30am
2:00pm - 4:00pm

8:00am - 11:00am
2:00pm - 5:30pm


Saturday & Sunday

Clancey Chiropractic, PC

195 South Main Street #1
Longmont, CO 80501

(303) 651-2060